Does my credit score impact my insurance rate?

Ahh… The credit score question. This can be a big deterrent for folks looking to get an insurance quote. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. However, there is a huge difference between an insurance company pulling your credit score and a mortgage company pulling it. Insurance companies have. . .

How Home Renovations Can Save You Insurance Money

Tip #4 in the home buyer series was Knowing When To Bundle This week, we are going to discuss the various updates insurance companies look for and how they can actually save you money on your Home Insurance. This is important for. . .

Know when to bundle your Home and Auto insurance!

We’ve talked about using an independent agent, when to engage with your agent and insuring your home to value. This week we are talking about BUNDLING your insurance. Better yet, when is the right time to bundle? CUSTOMERS CAN SAVE UP TO 30% BY BUNDLING THEIR HOME. . .