Renters Insurance Mini-Series: Renters Liability

This week we are back with round three in our mini series! The topic of this week's blog is a pretty important one, renters liability. What does renters liability cover? Personal liability coverage is part of a standard renters insurance policy. It may help pay for another person's medical bills. . .

Renters Insurance Mini-Series: Personal Belongings

A couple weeks ago we talked about owning and an owner-occupied rental dwelling. In that case, if you are the homeowner than your belongings will be covered under your homeowner's policy. However, if you are the tenant at this property,. . .

What is Umbrella Insurance?

"I have plenty of insurance" "That's why I hire you, to make sure I have enough coverage" "Shouldn't my current policy protect me?" "I'd never use that!" You would be surprised to find out how quickly you can exhaust your insurance limits. Especially now in. . .

Do you need flood insurance in Vermont?

If you are a homeowner, you have probably heard the trusty old flood insurance spiel whether it was from your insurance agent or from your mortgage company. “You need flood insurance” “My home could never be flooded” “You’re in a flood zone” “That’s impossible. The water has never even come. . .