If you are buying a home you need an Independent Agency!

Let's use this quick example for why you need an independent insurance agent to fight for you!

Joe's offer on a house was just accepted by a seller and BOOM he's under contract. Exciting! 

As part of his loan Joe knows he needs to get home insurance so he goes to the guy that kind of looks like… well no… IS A LIZARD to get and insurance quote online.

Joe gets a quote to insure his home but he's shocked to see that the premium came back way higher then was estimated in his lending documents provided by his mortgage company putting his entire loan at risk.  

Joe is obviously frustrated. He thought it would be as easier and now he has another hurdle between him and the home he has been dreaming about. Ugh!  

Joe makes a very smart decision.

Joe calls an independent agent.

We are an independent agency here at Kinney Insurance. The difference between us and the green dude is that we work with multiple insurance companies instead of one. We can give you options! If Company A doesn't fit your needs then we will go to Company B and so on and so forth until we find a home insurance policy that fits your budget, coverage needs, and satisfies your loan needs.

When it comes to home insurance there are a lot of things playing a factor in the rate. It's not as easy as just entering sales price of your home online and having a quote spit out. For example perhaps the house is older but has had recent updates to things like the roof, furnace, electrical or plumbing you could be leaving credits on the table by not factoring those in or you may even get wrongly disqualified by the online company. There may even be some trickier features of the home to navigate like certain animals, ponds, pools, or other structures. We can handle all of that and do regularly for hundreds of clients closing on homes a year. 

By working with an independent agent like us we can use or expertise to help navigate you to the best available policy and make sure it meets your loan requirements. 

Things to remember when choosing between a direct writer (the Lizard) and an independent agent like us!

  • We have options for you
  • We can get creative to meet your coverage and budget needs
  • We will shop your account to make sure we are providing you with the best price
  • They are limited to the prices and packages they offer
  • There is very little wiggle room with their underwriting guidelines making them hard to work with
  • Their rates are their rates, they can’t shop your account if their rates increase

We want to make things easy for you, and that’s what independent agents like us can do. We treat your assets like our own and offer the protection you need to rest easy at night.

Let us help you get the coverage and price you need! We will make it simple for you. For more information on making the insurance hurdle of home buying easy give us a call!